1921 Detroit Stars


Justice for Negro Leaguers

There are several ways of looking at how equitably the Negro Leagues & Black Baseball are represented in Cooperstown. One way is to compare the percentage of Negro Leagues & Black Baseball players in the Hall of Fame who debuted in the Segregated Era to the percentage of African American or Latino players in the Hall of Fame who debuted in the Integrated Era.

Currently, only 17 percent of players in the Hall from the Segregated Era come from the Negro Leagues & Black Baseball, while 44 percent of players from the Integrated Era are African American or Latino. That is a huge disparity and shows how much more attention needs to be paid to players from the Negro Leagues & Black Baseball.

Following the lead of the Josh Gibson Foundation's campaign to have the BBWAA’s Most Valuable Player Awards named after the immortal Josh Gibson, we hope to bring much needed attention to these distinguished but overlooked Negro Leagues & Black Baseball players, managers, umpires, executives, and pioneers.

The Holy Trinity of the Negro Leagues: Satchel Paige, Josh Gibson, and Buck Leonard—the first three Negro Leaguers elected to the Hall of Fame. Vintage image one of a series in 1970s marketing campaign for Seagram’s 7 Whiskey.

—Courtesy James A. Riley and BlackBaseball.com